B4R Question Appstart repeating in logs


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if the "Appstart" is constantly repeating in the logs does it means i have low memory left and app is always restarting?
i am using a Arduino uno with 3 stepper motors and an LED screen + bluetooth and it looks like all libraries enabled + some global variables does not leave enough memory for the board to oporate. can that be? what could be the solution? switching to arduino mega?

i need to mention that i have not even started with all the function i want to implement and i am not sure the mega will be also enough for it. i guess i am doing something completly wrong.
i have very small experience with working with bytes but i can see that JOINSTRING and converting everything to strings takes a lot memory but cannot figure out how to work with bytes to keep the memory low.

libraries i use:




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I will give you an example with the same result.
Dim T as timer

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The first thing to try, always, is increasing the stack buffer (I currently have mine increased to 5500):
#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize:  5500
    #DefineExtra: #define SKIP_B4RNEW
#End Region
Note: this is on as esp32 system so has more memory available!
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You can check buffer usage and available RAM with:
Log(StackBufferUsage, " : ", AvailableRAM)
I'm also not sure why that timer code would cause restarts, although no '_tick' sub is shown.
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i dont understand what you mean
This code will make your unit restart again and again.
You will see Appstart repeatedly in the log.
The reason is that the Timer object is not initialized.
So I was trying to tell you to check your code.
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i guess u r using arduino mega because uno has only 2kb sram

this is what i have:
0 : 327

This code will make your unit restart again and again.
You will see Appstart repeatedly in the log.
The reason is that the Timer object is not initialized.
So I was trying to tell you to check your code.
ok now i understand what you mean but there is nothing wrong with my code
what i think is that there is not enough memory
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#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 290
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private SoftwareSerial1 As SoftwareSerial 'ignore
    Private astream As AsyncStreams 'ignore
    Private zMotor, cMotor, aMotor As Stepper 'ignore
    Private StepsPerRevolution As Int = 200 'ignore
    Private ssd As AdafruitSSD1306
    Private Timer1 As Timer 'ignore
    Private APin As Pin 'ignore
    Private degStep As Float = StepsPerRevolution/360 'ignore
    Private gcodeArr(10) As String
    Private gcodeLast As Int
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    'initialize Z-Motor (wire pusher)
    zMotor.Initialize2(StepsPerRevolution, 4, 5, 6, 7)
    'initialize C-Motor (gear controller)
    cMotor.Initialize2(StepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11)
    'initialize A-Motor (bender)
    aMotor.Initialize2(StepsPerRevolution, 2, 3, 12, 13)

    SoftwareSerial1.Initialize(9600, APin.A0, APin.A1)
    astream.Initialize(SoftwareSerial1.Stream, "astream_NewData", Null)
    Timer1.Initialize("timer1_Tick", 1000)
    Timer1.Enabled = True

    ssd.InitializeI2C(4, 0x3c)
    Log(StackBufferUsage, " : ", AvailableRAM)
End Sub

Sub startgcode(b() As Byte)
'    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    Dim gcode() As Byte = "P0001,720/0/0,0/0/180,0/0/-180,680/0/0,0/0/180,0/0/-180,760/0/0,M2"
End Sub

Sub drawscreen(line1 As String, line2 As String, line3 As String, line4 As String)
End Sub
Sub testGcode(b() As Byte)
    'Z-Axis (Wire pusher) Pos1
    'C-Axis (Gear control) Pos2
    'A-Axis (Bender Control) Pos3
    gcodeLast = 0
    Dim AxisStep(3) As String
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    For Each s0() As Byte In bc.Split(b, ",")
        If bc.IndexOf(s0,"/") > -1 Then
            Dim count As Int = 0
            For Each s1() As Byte In bc.Split(s0,"/")
                AxisStep(count) = bc.StringFromBytes(s1)
                count = count + 1
            'Dim line() As Byte = "test"' JoinStrings(Array As String( "Z",AxisStep(0), " C",AxisStep(1)," A",AxisStep(2)))
            gcodeArr(gcodeLast) = JoinStrings(Array As String( "Z",AxisStep(0), " C",AxisStep(1)," A",AxisStep(2)))
'            If lines(1).Length = 0 Then
'                lines(1) = line
'            else if lines(2).Length = 0 Then
'                lines(2) = line
'            Else if lines(3).Length = 0 Then
'                lines(3) = line
'            Else
'                lines(0) = lines(1)
'                lines(1) = lines(2)
'                lines(2) = lines(3)
'                lines(3) = line
'            End If
            gcodeArr(gcodeLast) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
'            If bc.IndexOf(s0,"P") > -1 Then
            'lines(0) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
'            Else
'                If lines(1).Length = 0 Then
'                    lines(1) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
'                else if lines(2).Length = 0 Then
'                    lines(2) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
'                Else if lines(3).Length = 0 Then
'                    lines(3) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
'                Else
'                    lines(0) = lines(1)
'                    lines(1) = lines(2)
'                    lines(2) = lines(3)
'                    lines(3) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
'                End If
'                drawscreen(lines(0),lines(1),lines(2),lines(3))
'            End If
        End If
        gcodeLast = gcodeLast + 1
    Log("gcode length: ", gcodeLast)
End Sub
'Sub Step1(u As Byte)
'    For i = 0 To StepsPerRevolution
'        zMotor.Step(direction)
'        aMotor.Step(direction)
'    Next
'    direction = direction * -1
'    CallSubPlus("Step1", 1000, 0)
'End Sub

Sub Timer1_Tick
    astream.Write("Millis here: ".GetBytes)
    astream.Write(NumberFormat(Millis, 0, 0).GetBytes)
    astream.Write(Array As Byte(10)) 'end of line character. AsyncStreamsText will cut the message here
End Sub
Sub astream_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    Dim value As String = bc.StringFromBytes(Buffer)
    Select value
        Case "AUP"
        Case "AD"
        Case "ZUP"
        Case "ZD"
        Case "CUP"
        Case "CD"
    End Select
End Sub
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You must find the exact line that makes the unit restart
Just comment all out and uncomment one line at a time
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You must find the exact line that makes the unit restart
Just comment all out and uncomment one line at a time
i tried it and from what i see is that if i comment all steppers initialize it work because i have more memory and i i commend the gcode event and uncomment the steppers initalize it also works so from what i understand it has something to do with the memory.

i am not even drawing anything to the OLED screen. if i comment that part it also works so my question is how can i optimize the gcode event and not using strings instead use only bytes
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Use the correct function for the StackBuffer Size
Log("StackBufferUsage: ", StackBufferUsage)
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removing the OLED library everything works fine because it frees about 800 bytes that is almost 40% of what it was using before now i have left 1137 bytes and it is enough.
i really would like to show the process on the OLED but i guess the lib is taking to much memory. maybe i will switch to arduino mega
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ok , where should i put it? at the end of Appstart event?
You can determin the stackbuffersize e.g. in your testGcode function.
Sub testGcode(b() As Byte)
    'Z-Axis (Wire pusher) Pos1
    'C-Axis (Gear control) Pos2
    'A-Axis (Bender Control) Pos3
    gcodeLast = 0
    Dim AxisStep(3) As String
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    Log("StackBufferUsage t0:",TAB,StackBufferUsage)
    For Each s0() As Byte In bc.Split(b, ",")
        If bc.IndexOf(s0,"/") > -1 Then
            Dim count As Int = 0
            For Each s1() As Byte In bc.Split(s0,"/")
                AxisStep(count) = bc.StringFromBytes(s1)
                count = count + 1
            'Dim line() As Byte = "test"' JoinStrings(Array As String( "Z",AxisStep(0), " C",AxisStep(1)," A",AxisStep(2)))
            gcodeArr(gcodeLast) = JoinStrings(Array As String( "Z",AxisStep(0), " C",AxisStep(1)," A",AxisStep(2)))
            '            If lines(1).Length = 0 Then
            '                lines(1) = line
            '            else if lines(2).Length = 0 Then
            '                lines(2) = line
            '            Else if lines(3).Length = 0 Then
            '                lines(3) = line
            '            Else
            '                lines(0) = lines(1)
            '                lines(1) = lines(2)
            '                lines(2) = lines(3)
            '                lines(3) = line
            '            End If
            gcodeArr(gcodeLast) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
            '            If bc.IndexOf(s0,"P") > -1 Then
            'lines(0) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
            '            Else
            '                If lines(1).Length = 0 Then
            '                    lines(1) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
            '                else if lines(2).Length = 0 Then
            '                    lines(2) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
            '                Else if lines(3).Length = 0 Then
            '                    lines(3) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
            '                Else
            '                    lines(0) = lines(1)
            '                    lines(1) = lines(2)
            '                    lines(2) = lines(3)
            '                    lines(3) = bc.StringFromBytes(s0)
            '                End If
            '                drawscreen(lines(0),lines(1),lines(2),lines(3))
            '            End If
        End If
        gcodeLast = gcodeLast + 1
    Log("gcode length: ", gcodeLast)
    Log("StackBufferUsage t1:",TAB, StackBufferUsage)
End Sub
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