B4A Library Arc Menu [Class] + [Lib]

Anastasios Michaelides

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello, I am trying to implement this beautiful menu to one off my camera applications but I am having issues.
The menu button is visible but the menu items are not visible when I press the menu button.
The strange is that if you press in the area that menu items supposed to be, they are react but not showing up.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Well-Known Member
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Hi there

Are you your own graphics? are you setting the sizes correctly?

Please give some more info, without it is difficult to help.


Anastasios Michaelides

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello and thank you for the reply
Sorry but I don't understand what do you mean when you say my own graphics?
I paste your example code to my code, I tested to my other apps and it works.
It seems that is issue with camera interaction because it works only when camera is closed .

the code is:
menu.Initialize(Activity,Me, "ARCMENU", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "menu_button_anim.png"), LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "menu_button_bg.png"), 5%x, 50%y)
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "album.png"))
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "maps.png"))
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "sett.png"))
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "bt.png"))
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "mess.png"))
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "info.png"))
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "info.png"))
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "info.png"))
menu.AddItem(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "info.png"))


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Longtime User
Hi there...

I like the ArcMenu a lot and it's brilliant, the thing is, you need to have your menu clearly defined even before you write the code, because the ArcMenu_Click method uses positions and there is no way to specify your own key if you want. This poses problems when you are faced with changing your menu as you go. This leads to having to change the code within Click or LongClick methods. The other thing, the ArcMenu only works with an activity and you cant add items to a panel.

After thinking of a way to do this two hours ago, I played around with this class. This is what I have been able to do so far.

1. You can add a menu item with a key and reference the key in the _Click and _LongClick methods. This is achieved by these additional enhancements

AddItem1(ItemKey As String, ItemImage As Bitmap)

2. This means that your activity's _Click and _LongClick methods also get an upgrage

_Click Method
ArcMenu_Click(position As Int, key As String)

_LongClick Method
ArcMenu_LongClick(position As Int, key As String)

3. On another note, whilst I am only using the _Click methods, I also explored about an Arc in a panel. Below is my own version of initializing the menu on my app. My GetPNG method uses LoadBitmapSample from Dir.Assets with 100%x width and 100%y width.

menu.Initialize(Activity, Me, "ArcMenu", modMashiane.GetPNG("menu_button_anim.png"), modMashiane.GetPNG("menu_button_bg.png"), 50%x, 50%y)

With the additional panel functionality, you can then replace this line with

menu.Initialize1(Activity, Me, "ArcMenu", modMashiane.GetPNG("menu_button_anim.png"), modMashiane.GetPNG("menu_button_bg.png"), 50%x, 50%y)

and then to add to the panel, you use

Normal way however to panel
AddItem3(ItemImage As Bitmap)

Add button to Panel with key
AddItem4(ItemKey As String, ItemImage As Bitmap)

Now with the key in place, I can chop and change my ArcMenu definition without having to worry about the positions

PS: What I did? For each image added, I assigned a tag property using the position of the image and the new key property as a map. For all the code that references the tag property of each image, I then read the map tag and process accordingly. Added Initialize1, AddItem1..4, otherwise the rest of the code is still intact.


  • ArcMenu.zip
    3.4 KB · Views: 366
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there

Are you your own graphics? are you setting the sizes correctly?

Please give some more info, without it is difficult to help.



Is there a way to change the background color? Thanks!!


I know this is an old thread, but the update is brand new.

Thanks to BarX, the ArcMenu is impressive, but there is a bug (I did not discover it. My 10 year old was clicking through the menu impatiently when it suddenly stopped working).
The bug: When a user clicks on a menu item while the ArcMenu is still performing the animation, then the menu click is executed. However, when the user returns to the main menu, it does not respond to any more inputs.
Reason: The IsAnimating flag is not being handled properly when menu items are clicked, before animation is completed.

This bug has been fixed in the attached code. Also I have added a revision history which would help documenting future updates.


  • ArcMenu.zip
    3.6 KB · Views: 293
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