Hi all,
Since a few days I am trying to modify [B]inakigarm[/B] tutorial listed below.. it's working like a charm, In the example, the servo goes up (servo rotates clockwise) until
it counts 180 degrees , then then it goes down (servo rotates counterclockwise) then repeats the process forever (closed loop).
I want to split the timer_tick sub into two conditional branches;
1. If the SR505 input is high then the counter goes up (if it's not already at 180 degrees then it does nothing
2. If the SR505 input is low then the counter goes down (if it's not already false then it does nothing
That's all.. I will donate $50 for the first solution.
Since a few days I am trying to modify [B]inakigarm[/B] tutorial listed below.. it's working like a charm, In the example, the servo goes up (servo rotates clockwise) until
it counts 180 degrees , then then it goes down (servo rotates counterclockwise) then repeats the process forever (closed loop).
I want to split the timer_tick sub into two conditional branches;
1. If the SR505 input is high then the counter goes up (if it's not already at 180 degrees then it does nothing
2. If the SR505 input is low then the counter goes down (if it's not already false then it does nothing
That's all.. I will donate $50 for the first solution.
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public Serial1 As Serial
Public servo1 As Servo
Public pinservo As Pin
Public Timer1 As Timer
Public angleservo As UInt
Public upangle As Boolean
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
pinservo.Initialize (4,pinservo.MODE_OUTPUT) 'connect servo to pin 4 of Arduino
servo1.Attach(pinservo.PinNumber) 'assign servo to device on pin servo
Timer1.Initialize ("Timer1_Tick",50) 'Call Timer every second
angleservo=servo1.Read 'initial servo angle
upangle=True 'Increment angle
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Tick
Select upangle 'Increment angle
Case True
If (angleservo >=0 And angleservo <180) Then
Log ("up angle ",angleservo)
angleservo=angleservo +3
End If
If angleservo=180 Then upangle=False
Case False 'Decrement angle
If angleservo <=180 And angleservo>0 Then
Log ("down angle ",angleservo)
End If
If angleservo=0 Then upangle=True
End Select
End Sub