I tried and wasn't successful (even installed bridge)
But I wrote this message logger (see attached) and changed all my Log commands to cLogMsgs.LogMsg to caused all my log messages to be written to a file which when on the second time starting the program would send to my email address.
I am starting 2 services in my Main Activity_Create and for some reason I see Starter log messages appearing in between startservices
13:42:54 Starter - Started <------------------------ Starter starts
13:42:54 Starter - Start - 002
13:42:55 cFile::WhichDirectoryToUse - Forcing Old Directory
13:42:55 PlaylistDirectory[/storage/emulated/0/BOBs/MusicDB/DataFiles/]
13:42:55 Main::MakeToast - ItalicMonospaceSupported:false
13:42:55 Main::Activity_Resume
13:42:55 cMDBGlobals::FinishInit
13:43:02 Main - Starting sBlackBoxPlayer
13:43:10 Starter - Started <------------------------ Again ?
13:43:10 Starter - Start - 002
13:43:10 sBlackBoxPlayer - Create
13:43:10 sBlackBoxPlayer - Started
13:46:48 Starter - Started <------------------------ and once again and we crash
13:46:48 Starter - Start - 002
So because I need these 2 services of mine to start I moved them to the start service and had starter start them.
Since doing this everything works fine
NOT sure how to debug this better until I can get my laptop to connect to the car
Forgot after moving the startservices to starter the messages look like
14:19:16 Starter - Starting sBlackBoxPlayer
14:19:16 Starter - Starting sMyMediaBrowserService
14:19:16 Starter - Started
14:19:16 Starter - Start - 002
14:19:16 sBlackBoxPlayer - Create
14:19:16 sBlackBoxPlayer - Started
14:19:16 sMyMediaBrowserService - Create
14:19:16 sMyMediaBrowserService - Started
14:19:17 cFile::WhichDirectoryToUse - Forcing Old Directory
14:19:17 PlaylistDirectory[/storage/emulated/0/BOBs/MusicDB/DataFiles/]
14:19:17 Main::MakeToast - ItalicMonospaceSupported:false
14:19:17 Main::Activity_Resume
14:19:17 cMDBGlobals::FinishInit
14:19:36 sBlackBoxPlayer - Run
14:19:36 TimeTicksPerSecond:1000
14:19:36 sMyMediaBrowserService - Run
14:19:36 MyMediaBrowserService - Try Callback
14:19:36 MyMediaBrowserService - Try sMusicDB_JO:true
14:19:38 MyMediaBrowserService - Media_Callback
14:19:38 BlackBoxPlayer::Need_MetaData
14:19:42 Send_MetaData: