I have been happily running under the desktop IDE using the following code:
I found I needed this because though when I do TabFullList.LoadCSV the column widths are retained, when I do TabFullList.LoadXML they are all reset (including columns meant to be invisible). So the array is declared as:
and initialised with the column widths I want.
This works running under the desktop IDE but not when compiled for desktop or device. So am I getting away with some wrong syntax?
For counter = 0 To ArrayLen(TabFullWidths()) -1
TabFullList.ColWidth(TabFullWidths(counter).Name) = TabFullWidths(counter).Width
I found I needed this because though when I do TabFullList.LoadCSV the column widths are retained, when I do TabFullList.LoadXML they are all reset (including columns meant to be invisible). So the array is declared as:
Dim Type ( Name, Width ) TabFullWidths(0)
and initialised with the column widths I want.
This works running under the desktop IDE but not when compiled for desktop or device. So am I getting away with some wrong syntax?