I have been happily running under the desktop IDE using the following code:
For counter = 0 To ArrayLen(TabFullWidths()) -1
TabFullList.ColWidth(TabFullWidths(counter).Name) = TabFullWidths(counter).Width
I found I needed this because though when I do TabFullList.LoadCSV the column widths are retained, when I do TabFullList.LoadXML they are all reset (including columns meant to be invisible). So the array is declared as:
Dim Type ( Name, Width ) TabFullWidths(0)
and initialised with the column widths I want.
This works running under the desktop IDE but not when compiled for desktop or device. So am I getting away with some wrong syntax?
I also have alternative column widths arrays (just one so far) so the user can switch between views of the data. The arrays will always have the same length to cover all the columns. Admittedly it gets inefficient to store the column names each time.
Thanks for looking at that Andrew. I must verify that the test for the array length works too, since if that delivers zero it would give the same effect.
The problem is really to do with the LoadXML. So I shall start a new thread (not under bugs, yet) with a sample program source, derived from my real program, that shows the problem.