Article about Google Play problems of a developer


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Licensed User
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Unfortunately and so, even in Italy it happened.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Google will eventually be the marketplace for the big "unmaterialised" software companies, with dozens developers, that no-one has ever heard of, except for the company name, and address. Such companies do not have a "personal g-account" with which thetactual developers publish to play store but rather a "company account".

I hope, and forsee, that by 2020 we will have 1 or 2 g-independent markets and that the final users will finally become aware of this.

The only reason why they haven't so far, is that the is no real difference between the apps proposed by G-Store and the independent ones.
Once the devs really start letting go of the G-Store dependancy and showcase their apps OUTSIDE, the users will follow.


Licensed User
Longtime User
As long as Google pays manufacturors to have their play and other google apps installed in their image people will just use Play as their default store.

I think India & China are some of the exeptions.

On the other hand...

Some alternative stores want you to implement their own SDKs for in-app purchases etc to have a cut of the cake.
But these need to be supported by B4A then and means that you'll need several builds for Play and the others which makes maintenance less easy.
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