Wish "AS" keyword

Toky Olivier

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I think it would be easier if we can do like this (as in Pascal language) with "AS" keyword (for eg. in a Click event of a button):
Dim strTag As String = (Sender As Button).Tag

If I'm not wrong, now I should do like this:
Dim btn As Button = Sender
Dim strTag As String = btn.Tag

Emme Developer

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If i remember correctly, you can make your casting function

Sub Button(view As Object) As Button
    Return view
End Sub

dim strTag = Button(sender).tag

Toky Olivier

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I will check, but even if we can do like that, you need to do for all views + customviews that can send events: Label, Edit, ..., CustomListView, etc. Also, if you put the function in a code module or library, it becomes longer: MySharedModule.Label(sender).Tag for eg.
For me it's better if the solution is available within the language as it is already used for example in the forms:
- Array As Object(...)
- For Each v As B4XView In...