As we move to CoronaV level one : preserve us please . . .Erel you can visit us now. . . .


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As of this coming Sunday South Africa will move to its lowest level of Corona Virus restrictions - but the avatar won't be changing yet.

[[ @Erel : forget Italy - there is better sun here. ]]

Excerpt from President Ramaposa's speech last night : [FULL TEXT]


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[[ @Erel : forget Italy - there is better sun here. ]]
Small fix: the Sun is the same for everyone and everywhere ? (and it can even be harmful).
Of course, in London or China, for different reasons, you often don't see it (and I don't mean at night).

Although I am not a convinced nationalist...
well, I was going to list the many wonderful things that you can find very easily in Italy, but everyone already knows them


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Although I am not a convinced nationalist...
well, I was going to list the many wonderful things that you can find very easily in Italy, but everyone already knows them
We can always have a poll or competition to see how SA will compete with Italy - remember this is Africa - we have lions lines in the streets too

Johan Schoeman

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We can always have a poll or competition to see how SA will compete with Italy - remember this is Africa - we have lions lines in the streets too
Lines or Lions? Or both?


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We can always have a poll or competition to see how SA will compete with Italy - remember this is Africa - we have lions lines in the streets too
Italy would probably win because many people have visited it while few have gone to South Africa.
... and maybe someone hasn't even returned home having been devoured by some lion ?


Well-Known Member
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I was going to list the many wonderful things that you can find very easily in Italy
A room with a view and a balcony in the small City?

Italy would probably win
No chance - we're importing international voters as of 1 October, we'll build a Colleseium (sorry my Italian isn't good) managed by the independent election commission so we can Thump them into submission and win the election. Besides our lions are friendly ones like the ones they give out on Le Tour.
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