Wish Assets encryption


Licensed User
Longtime User
A auto function to encrypt the assets file would be nice.

Something like assets encryption with a auto-appended code to the source of each "source code" that would unencrypt the assets on demand. I am doing this manually on my files... but it takes so long... .. if it could be done automatically it would so niceee...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Automatical and fast - these are 2 different aims.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I personally would prefer automatically .. fast is nice but automatically would be better...


Licensed User
Longtime User
It's needed:
1) B4A class, decrypting the encrypted asset files
2) PC utility, encrypting files before placing to assets.

And anyway after decryption - most files of the standard formats are to be saved to a drive to be open by the standard functions.
Or to be always in RAM-memory after decryption.
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