Android Question Asyncstream data


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Erel
Struggling with a strange thing
I have an esp module that transmit small text (about 15 chars, including \r\n)
I receive this data with asybcstreamtext moved in a service.
When data flow is slow (a batch of data once some seconds) everything is fine
When module starts to transmit string (1 chars) once every 150 ms, most of the data does not arrive.
I let the module sends data like 114*0xx*2xx \r\n where xx increments from 0 to 50
I RANDOMLY receive some strings, sometimes consecutive, sometime maybe 30 out of 50 or more or less
totally randomly
the behaviour is different according to different device. the older is the device, the more data you receive
for example with the smasung flip5 i get maybe 10 strings out of 50, with samsung A7 maybe 25 and with other devices sometimes all 50 or more...
is there a way to come out from this problem other than sending data every let's say 3 seconds? (this way it seems to work properly)?
curious about your reply



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Erel
Struggling with a strange thing
I have an esp module that transmit small text (about 15 chars, including \r\n)
I receive this data with asybcstreamtext moved in a service.
When data flow is slow (a batch of data once some seconds) everything is fine
When module starts to transmit string (1 chars) once every 150 ms, most of the data does not arrive.
I let the module sends data like 114*0xx*2xx \r\n where xx increments from 0 to 50
I RANDOMLY receive some strings, sometimes consecutive, sometime maybe 30 out of 50 or more or less
totally randomly
the behaviour is different according to different device. the older is the device, the more data you receive
for example with the smasung flip5 i get maybe 10 strings out of 50, with samsung A7 maybe 25 and with other devices sometimes all 50 or more...
is there a way to come out from this problem other than sending data every let's say 3 seconds? (this way it seems to work properly)?
curious about your reply

Solved changing transmission method.
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