I have a code that reads a row from a table in the database.
Let's say we have 2 fields with timestamps Start, Finish.
In some cases Finish doesn't have a timestamp and this field has NULL as a value.
My code
Line 19 has a problerm. As I said in some cases Finish has a value NULL in the database and when I read it string Finish gets value <nil> so when I try to add it to the string Schedule it crashes with the error message -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[2].
But if I put a breakpoint to line 19 or to any lines before and run the same code with the same values it doesn't crash. I tried 5 times - the same result.
Is it a bug? I'm using version 7.80.
Let's say we have 2 fields with timestamps Start, Finish.
In some cases Finish doesn't have a timestamp and this field has NULL as a value.
My code
dim MySQL as String
dim Start as string,Finish as String,Schedule as String
dim rs as ResultSet
MySQL="SELECT Start,Finish from tblSchedule where id=?"
rs=SQL1.ExecuteQuery2(MySQL,Array as String(1))
Do While rs.NextRow
'I'm creating a parameters string that will be sent to the server with HttpJob
Schedule="Start=" & Start
Schedule=Schedule & "&Finish=" & Finish ' Here is problem string - line 19
Line 19 has a problerm. As I said in some cases Finish has a value NULL in the database and when I read it string Finish gets value <nil> so when I try to add it to the string Schedule it crashes with the error message -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[2].
But if I put a breakpoint to line 19 or to any lines before and run the same code with the same values it doesn't crash. I tried 5 times - the same result.
Is it a bug? I'm using version 7.80.