When I'm trying to connect to remote server with Jrdc2, I get "ResponseError. Reason: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to / (port 17178) after 30000ms, Response: " and the thread in the JobDone sub return "SUCCESS" = FALSE and everithing is ok, I work offline, However, an other module i get error like a post title, that cause to stop my App.
Hi Erel, it's activity module, I create a modRemDbClass to manage the conection, commands, and CRUD process. For each activity module that i need I call to initialize the RemoteServer connection like reqManager.Initialize(target,link), then when I call a Query starts a Service (httputils2service) then sometimes work fine, the thread return
"SUCCESS" = FALSE but the most times I get the Exception posted before,
For temporal solution I create a timer for each intent to connect to remote server, after a 5 seconds I execute StopService(httputils2service) and it Work fine for now
It still would be nice if you could post some code that could reproduce this. Looking at the error message, I think that error should not happen and you may have actually exposed a bug in the httputils2service library/a condition that httputils2service may not handle properly.
Attach code, some libraries are required:
An presition, I declare "Dim reqManager As DBRequestManager" in every Activity Module in Sub Process_Globals, it can be affect or cause the issue.
I'm thinking declare once reqManager on my codeModule calls Utils and for each activity modulde initialize this.