audio 1.10 error (


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using Audio 1.10 to stream a video. first i have to download the name of the video. then i extract it and feed it to mp.Load(). i see errors in the log.

Dim vv As VideoView
Dim mp As MediaPlayerStream

If FirstTime Then
End If

Eventually gets to:

which produces this:
connect on behalf of uid 10053
connect to @0
Tagging socket 27 with tag 3f500000000(1013) for uid 10053 failed errno=-2
Failed to open
error (1, -2147483648)
Error (1,-2147483648)
the url shown looks like it's supposed to look (it changes slightly from call to call, so i can't hardcode it. i scrape it off something else.)

is something i should expect to have on my nexus running 4.2? is failed to "open" the same as fail to "load"? where did i mess up?
thanks for any clues.


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Are you trying to play video or audio?

ah, video? i was never completely sure that i had, in fact, read somewhere that the library handled video. my bad. sorry.
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wait, i did read that it handles streaming video:

VideoView can also stream online video. Android formal documentation is not clear about the supported formats.
The INTERNET permission should be added when streaming video.
This can be done by declaring an object of type MediaPlayerStream (it is only necessary to call Dim for this object. No need to initialize it).

so, let's back up. to answer your question, i'm trying to stream video. i see that the quote above says it isn't necessary to initialize the mediaplayerstream object, but the example did initialize it, so that's what i kept in my code.
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Try to load the Url to the VideoView:
vv.LoadVideo("http", "http://...")

yeah, i tried it that way too. same error ( also, i changed from 1.10 to 1.30, if that makes a difference (which, apparently, it doesn't). by the way, i'm a little confused by the postings on the subject of the audio library. in one it says to use mediaplayerstream for video, and in another it says to use video view. in any case, i tried both. actually, there was a slight difference. both throw the error, but 1.30 says "sorry can't play this file". that's you, right? i didn't see it in my code, although it's something i would be likely to put. so 1.30 manages to get a little further.

i also tried the flvplayer module downloaded from here. no apparent error, but no video either.

i looked into vlc for android beta. you can't download it in my country... i'm sending out the drones as we speak.

i also tried jwplayer.js, which claims to run on android. i use a simple webview with javascript for that. that got to a spinning wheel, no errors, but no video. when i ran the same script on desktop chrome, i got the same spinning wheel.

i've also tried html5. not a full, in depth, try, i'm afraid.

so i'm thinking, perhaps i don't understand the modern meaning of "streaming". for me, a stream implies no beginning or end. you come across a stream in the woods, you sit on a rock, and it flows by you while you look, eg broadcast tv. all the references to streaming that i find here seem to imply discrete files which are loaded and fed to whatever application that knows what to do with such a file. i see references to "live streaming", but always in the context of a file, not just a type of compression. (i recognize that there is a distinction between streaming over http and a couple other protocols, and that the http version probably implies a file which is fed chunk by chunk rather than downloaded at once. so you could argue that it isn't really streaming.)

the url is valid. i watch the video often on the desktop. and vlc also plays it.
is the audio library meant for streaming, as i think of it? or does it assume, that the video is downloaded in its entirety first?

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MediaPlayer can only play audio.

It is the native VideoView.

VideoView supports streaming. However different devices support different protocols. This error usually means that your device doesn't support the protocol.

okey doke, thanks.
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