Android Question audiorecorder vs audiostreamer


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I am using B4A since its fisrt releases.
But after the 5.80 release, most of my programs had no more the possibility to compile in V12.8.
For example, in the past, i used often Audiorecorder library, but now it is no more allowed, and i have to rewrite a part of my programs to use Audiostreamer which is rather poor documented! It's a loss of time.

Ascendant compatibility is it so difficult to maintain in B4A ? (Question for Erel).


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B4A is fully backward compatible. You can open a program created with B4A v1.0 and run it.
Android itself has changed in many incompatible ways. So old solutions might need to be updated in order to work with newer versions of Android.
[B4X] Backward Compatibility

I don't know which problem you encountered with AudioRecorder but it might be incompatible with newer versions of Android. If you want to post a real question then please start a new thread.
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Thank you Erel for your answer.
As you suggest me, i will start a new thread to explain the case of Audiorecorder not recognized by V12.8.
Thank you again.
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