Is it possible to auto format the spaces in codes, for example, space before and after "=", etc.
Say, the code is now like this, without auto-formatting the spaces:
If lblResult.Text.Length>0 Then
End If
After auto-formatting the spaces, it will look like this:
If lblResult.Text.Length > 0 Then
lblResult.Text = lblResult.Text.SubString2(0, lblResult.Text.Length - 1)
End If
The bad news is that if we make it adjustable, that would be pretty close to not having a standard.
The good news is that I get to reference a xkcd comic for the second time this week:
That is hilarious, considering what magic @Erel has produced in the B4X suite. I'm having a really hard time imagining that formatting code is beyond his abilities.
The third party library is only responsible for the UI elements. All the logic is implemented in the IDE code.
It is possible to add formatting. Naturally it is not a simple feature to add especially when you need to deal with incomplete code which is the case when the developer writes the code.
It is possible to add formatting. Naturally it is not a simple feature to add especially when you need to deal with incomplete code which is the case when the developer writes the code.
Sure, but you should format the text only on "line loses focus" event, as you already do formatting the variable names correctly, not while the developer is writing.
I know you can write a code like this Public Sub DistanceInMeters(Lat1 As Double,Long1 As Double,Alt1 As Int,Lat2 As Double,Long2 As Double,Alt2 As Int) As Double Dim XYZ1(3) As Double=LocationToPoint(Lat1,Long1,Alt1) Dim XYZ2(3) As Double=LocationToPoint(Lat2,Long2,Alt2) Dim dx As...