I have an app with an AutoCompleteEditText.
The app has a List and that List contains the items i want available in the auto-complete.
Each time a user completes a form in my app i add their latest input values to the List and then use the AutoCompleteEditText SetItems method to update the auto complete items available.
So my app starts and an empty List is passed to SetItems.
The user enters some data and hits a button.
I add the values to the List and call SetItems again with that List.
The process is repeated as often as the user enters new data.
I see duplicates in the AutoCompleteEditText's available autocomplete items and presume this is because SetItems is not replacing the existing items but adding more (duplicates).
Is that correct?
If so i could call SetItems with new values only and not values that have already been passed to SetItems but it'd be useful to know if SetItems replaces the available items or adds the List to the existing available items.
Hope that makes sense?