Hi All
I have this code segment
Dim MainToolBar,MTB As Panel
For i = 0 To MainToolBar.NumberOfViews -1
Select MainToolBar.GetView(i).tag
Case "panel" : MTB = MainToolBar.GetView(i)
End Select
For i = 0 To MTB.NumberOfViews -1
Select MTB.GetView(i).tag
Case "menu" : MainMenuButton = MTB.GetView(i)
Case "text" : Actionmenu = MTB.GetView(i)
End Select
In current version MainToolBar.GetView(i).tag is valid and has a value 'panel' (set in the designer)
but when I execute in the rapid debugger the Case statement never matches with 'panel' and therefore MTB does not get set and the code then falls over as MTB is not initialized
Any ideas, this code is just the base code from the AHQuickAction menu example, its been working great until I just installed the beta.
Note works fine if compile in Debug (Legacy) mode.
Cheers David