Just for curiosity. Don't know if this is a bug, or it is due to changing the moment when Process_Globals are initted
With previous versions I had, with no errors
Now the new version does not allow to init it this way, giving this error
As it is easily solvable, no problem
Just for curiosity. Don't know if this is a bug, or it is due to changing the moment when Process_Globals are initted
With previous versions I had, with no errors
Sub Process_Globals
Dim PTR_SIZE_DEFAULT As Int= Min(100%X,100%Y)/20
End Sub
Now the new version does not allow to init it this way, giving this error
B4A version: 5.50 BETA #1
Parsing code. (1.78s)
Compiling code. Error
Error compiling program.
Error description: Activity size is not known at this point.
Occurred on line: 84
Dim PTR_SIZE_DEFAULT As Int = Min(100%X,100%Y)/20
Word: perxtocurrent
As it is easily solvable, no problem