Android Question B4A 8.50 + Exoplayer + RTSP + buffer control, possible?


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Sorry about the odd thread title but not sure how else I can put it ...

I've been trying to add Exoplayer to a B4A 8.50 project. Only reason is I'm trying to play a camera RTSP stream (including audio) with minimal buffering (i.e less delay before video starts). VideoView works fine in terms of handling the RTSP stream but there is a 2.5s delay and as far as I can tell there is no way to control the buffer size via this route. So I tried to introduce Exoplayer. However this has been pretty problematic with a whack-a-mole scenario amongst various missing Maven artifacts no matter whether I follow the advice to delete old SDKs and follow the latest install B4A instructions (Required resources and SDK Tools only - as I don't want to move the compiler to B4A 13 for fear of breaking other things at present). So far I've also only tried the V1.52 Exoplayer library (and additional libs) from this post:
I know there is a newer version but that appears to need B4A 13+ and as per previous comment trying to stick with 8.5 if I can

Aside from trying to resolve the Maven artifacts issues, I've been wondering, even if I manage to get library V1.52 working, whether this would actually support RTSP. Again from various searches it seems that this was only introduced to Exoplayer 2.14+ and library V1.52 is based on Exoplayer 2.13, or is this poor understanding on my part?

Incidentally - if I stick with my present SDK (based on platform 28) I get a previously cited Maven artifact not found issue. I did try the solution given here: but this didn't resolve this particular issue. Anyhow this is probably academic at this point considering above.

I know there are some other RTSP solutions such as perhaps using VLC or Vitamio but have discounted these for now for their own drawbacks (as I perceive, and in fact I think only Vitamio maybe has some buffer control anyway in theory)

Any advice on any of the points would be appreciated.
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