Hi All,
I'm facing with compiling problems on a my customer project (that with older SDK and B4A IDE the compilation went ok).
I did an SDK Manager update (Tool provided by @Erel) and now the first error "Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/widget/ViewDragHelper" is gone but I got a new compiling error :-( see the compiler log...
B4A Versione: 9.30
Java Versione: 8
Analisi del Codice. (0.29s)
Building folders structure. (0.07s)
Compilazione del codice. (1.41s)
Compilazione del codice di layouts (0.08s)
Organizzazione Librerie. Error
Maven artifact non trovato: androidx.activity/activity
I googled "maven artifact" and I see these: "An artifact is a file, usually a JAR".
So within my build is missing a .jar file about "androidx.activity/activity" ?
1- I already switch to AndroidX
2- I download this packages (using SDK Manager) suggested by @DonManfred within this post (#3) ---> https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/maven-artifact-not-found.67761/
Thanks in advance for your help.
I'm facing with compiling problems on a my customer project (that with older SDK and B4A IDE the compilation went ok).
I did an SDK Manager update (Tool provided by @Erel) and now the first error "Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/widget/ViewDragHelper" is gone but I got a new compiling error :-( see the compiler log...
B4A Versione: 9.30
Java Versione: 8
Analisi del Codice. (0.29s)
Building folders structure. (0.07s)
Compilazione del codice. (1.41s)
Compilazione del codice di layouts (0.08s)
Organizzazione Librerie. Error
Maven artifact non trovato: androidx.activity/activity
I googled "maven artifact" and I see these: "An artifact is a file, usually a JAR".
So within my build is missing a .jar file about "androidx.activity/activity" ?
1- I already switch to AndroidX
2- I download this packages (using SDK Manager) suggested by @DonManfred within this post (#3) ---> https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/maven-artifact-not-found.67761/
Thanks in advance for your help.
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