OK but what if you have had to remove the old Java version, as I had to to comply with my Banks security? When I try to use B4A Bridge I get the above '1.5 no longer supported.' I do not have the option to install an earlier version of Java. Is there a tme-frame for thos to be fixed?.
Usually no company jumps to the newest Java version "because there is a new one" as Java 8 is stable and secure (due to patches, etc.). Java 9 WILL have the common issues as it is "new".
Clearly my bank doesn't agree. It insists on all updates as soon as they appear. I will try to install Java 8 along side and see what happens. Thanks for the comments.
The next version of B4A will support Java 9. However Android SDK itself (at least the last time I checked) had issues with Java 9 so Java 8 is recommended for now.