hello everyone
I'm sending notification to the android phone with the FCM token. But with firebase v1 google credential is updated. The B4A FCM token is not updated. So I get the code 404. But for the first half hour I was sending notification with code 200. Notifications are sent to the device with "topic". But I want to send a private notification. I get 200 status from "https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/info/token/e6iBBYImu......" for Android token. But when I post with v1 I get 404. Please help me how to solve this problem.
I'm sending notification to the android phone with the FCM token. But with firebase v1 google credential is updated. The B4A FCM token is not updated. So I get the code 404. But for the first half hour I was sending notification with code 200. Notifications are sent to the device with "topic". But I want to send a private notification. I get 200 status from "https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/info/token/e6iBBYImu......" for Android token. But when I post with v1 I get 404. Please help me how to solve this problem.