Android Question B4A android FCM token and bearer token mismatch


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hello everyone

I'm sending notification to the android phone with the FCM token. But with firebase v1 google credential is updated. The B4A FCM token is not updated. So I get the code 404. But for the first half hour I was sending notification with code 200. Notifications are sent to the device with "topic". But I want to send a private notification. I get 200 status from "" for Android token. But when I post with v1 I get 404. Please help me how to solve this problem.


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My notification sending application is a c# service application. I am testing with postman. I can send general notifications to my Android device with the same token as shown in the picture. However, I cannot send special notifications to that device with the FCM service token in B4A. I get a 404 error. I cannot create a new token in the FCM service. How can I fix this?
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