Android Question B4A Audio/DSP Capabilities


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Longtime User

First of all, I am sorry if i am not posting this in the right place.

As the title says, I would like to know what can be achieved with b4a on the audio domain. I am talking about things like oscillators, envelopes, fm-am-granular synthesis, sampling, midi, effects (you name it). Two examples of mobile apps that i aim for developing are these:
(Hope it's okay to post these links)

I've seen that there's an FFT library available, which is great for starters, but is that all? Are there any other libraries available, capable of audio processes like those mentioned earlier? Would realtime DSP be possible? And what are the latency expectations?

Thnx in advance and sorry for my english.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Okay, so i've done some research and found out something really worth mentioning.
If you haven't ever heard of Pure Data (PD), it is an open source visual programming language. It has a solid DSP engine capable of most of the audio processes being used. Good news is that they have ported PD on mobile devices, running it as an external library, called Libpd. If Libpd could be imported into b4a, it would open up so many new possibilities for audio dsp.
These links might help: (Pure Data Homepage) (Libpd Description) (Libpd Files) (Some pretty neat apps made with Libpd)

Another interesting open-source audio library i found is Patchfield. (Patchfield Description) (Patchfield Video Demonstration) (Patchfield Files)

Quite interesting fact is that the Lead Programmer for both Libpd and Patchfield is the same guy, Peter Brinkmann.

I hope you have the time to check these links. I am really looking forward to your reply.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
In the project layout of Patchfield it states:
  • PatchfieldPd Library project providing an audio module implementation that uses libpd for synthesis. This project is a not a toy; libpd is a heavy-duty signal processing library, and this project fully integrates it into Patchfield.
So from what i can understand, if patchfield gets implemented into b4a we get libpd too. Is that correct? 2 in 1 sounds awesome!
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