Android Code Snippet B4A/B4I: How to know if the application is installed on device? (WhatsApp/Telegram example)

Important: In this example I only need WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business and Telegram. On Android WhatsApp (com.whatsapp) and WhatsApp Business (com.whatsapp.w4b) have different identifiers, I have not found the #QueriesSchemes for WhatsApp Business. If you know him, please leave a message so I can edit the post again and add it to the example.

Prerequisites for Android (B4A)
In manifest editor add:
        <package android:name="com.whatsapp"/>
        <package android:name="com.whatsapp.w4b"/>
        <package android:name="org.telegram.messenger"/>

Prerequisites for iOS (B4I)
In main module:
#Region  Project Attributes
    #ATSEnabled: True 'Change to true if its current value is false
    #QueriesSchemes: whatsapp
    #QueriesSchemes: telegram
    #QueriesSchemes: tg
    #QueriesSchemes: tgapp

    #PlistExtra: <key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key>
    #PlistExtra: <array>
    #PlistExtra:   <string>whatsapp</string>
    #PlistExtra:   <string>telegram</string>
    #PlistExtra:   <string>tg</string>
    #PlistExtra:   <string>tgapp</string>
    #PlistExtra: </array>
#End Region

GitHub - iOS URL Schemes
Another GitHub (Use search, it's a mess) - Reference: List of iOS App URL Scheme Names & Paths for Shortcuts

Attention: #QueriesSchemes maximum 50 items, more info:

Public Sub GetIMApps() As Map
    Dim mapApps As Map
        #IF B4A
        Dim pm As PackageManager
        Dim packages As List
        packages = pm.GetInstalledPackages
        For i = 0 To packages.Size - 1
            Select Case packages.Get(i)
                Case "com.whatsapp", "com.whatsapp.w4b", "org.telegram.messenger"
                    mapApps.Put(packages.Get(i), pm.GetApplicationLabel(packages.Get(i)))
            End Select
        #Else If B4I
        If Main.App.CanOpenURL("whatsapp://") Then
            mapApps.Put("whatsapp", "WhatsApp")
        End If
        If Main.App.CanOpenURL("telegram://") Then
            mapApps.Put("telegram", "Telegram")
        End If
        #End If
    End Try
    Return mapApps
End Sub
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