Android Question B4A - (Beginner) Can't run beacuse of an unknown error

Just installed B4A as it's shown on the official website and i still can't build & run an example project (Hello world).

I installed the app on my cellphone too and successfully connected to it, installed B4A Designer as the firt app asked to.

I'm getting this error, sorry it's in French. But basically it says that it doesn't find a file (i m wondering which one...).

Thank you for reply, i thought i would be alone on this. I renamed java folder to avoid errors coming from numbers or other signs in the folder's name. But it didn't resolved anything, same error as well.
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My French isn't terribly good, but I think it says it has processed the 'Debug Key' file "(Signature fichier 'package' (debug key). (2.54s)"?
So the Key file seems Ok and It seems to be a further un-named file that cannot be found.

I'm with @Erel on this, it's most likely - it happens often - that the download packages Android SDK Command line tools and/or required resources have not been properly installed. Unpacking them with 7-Zip is more than recommended, it's essential, as Windows Extract corrupts the folder structure, as I've shown in another post.

The only other think I can think of is that the "D:\other\" path is a Server location, and there could be a network configuration problem, permissions issue or other fault.
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Oh ! ok, i actually didn't extract with 7zip. Btw i often use it but didn know Windows extract could corrupt it. Here is my project, it's the default hello world provided by the IDE.
Thank you for replies


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Peter Simpson

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Longtime User
Oh ! ok, i actually didn't extract with 7zip. Btw i often use it but didn know Windows extract could corrupt it. Here is my project, it's the default hello world provided by the IDE.
Thank you for replies

I downloaded your attached file and it ran and installed perfectly fine on my device (Android 12). Please read post #4 and try at again...
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Works fine here too!
Same advice like the others, see post #4.

Another advice:
When you define a new project do not forget to change the following two parameters:
Package Name
Application Label.
Otherwise you will soon get some trouble.
The default values are B4AExample and many projects in the forum have the same.
When you try to compile a new project with the same parameters you will get an error message.
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Ok, thanks to you i figured out why it didn t work. It is exactly what you said, i reinstalled with extracting only with 7zip and it works now.

For other readers that could be interested in why 7zip works and not the default windows extracting prog. doesn t, i asked to a teacher and he said it s surely because of hidden files or directories which aren t supported by default windows extracting prog.

Great IDE btw, really enjoying it now
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