Android Question B4A Bridge not working


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Hi. I'm following a tutorial on getting B4A setup and working.

I've reached the point where I'm trying to connect B4A bridge. B4A seems properly installed & is the latest released version.
The Android device I'm trying to connect a a Samsung Galaxy S20 running Android 10 (latest updates installed).
I have installed the B4A Bridge app (v2.62) which is running and displaying its IP address.

In B4A, when I select Tools->B4A Bridge it lists my Device and IP correctly.

When I try to initiate the connection to my listed device, the status bar indicates Waiting for Connection, then briefly changes to Connected, the back to Waiting and repeats every second or so.
On the device, a WiFi icon briefly appears and the "Waiting for connection." message flashes. This seems to be in sync with the status messages on B4A (on PC).

I see some users have suggested using USB debugging instead due to various problemd. Should I just abandon B4A Bridge (for USB), or have I done/not done something?