B4A-budget app tutorial using B4X pages, a tabhost, a SQLite database, a CLVDragger class and a calendar dialog library class.


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In this step-by-step guide you can build a budget app.
You will be using code from the previous tutorials (B4A-lists and B4A-calendar).
A database class will be set up to use SQL queries to add, change or remove records from database tables.
You will also learn how to use 'prepared statements' to prevent SQL-injection.
The app uses dialog views for the database changes and for the selection of a date.
Check it out via this link: B4A-budget
Happy coding!
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Licensed User
congratulations, nice app, and for a while I had in mind a similar app, so simple, and very useful


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Licensed User
EDIT: there was an issue with the checking of the start date and end date when the user selects a date in db_dialog layout.
Only the default values were taken and not the settings from the database table settings!
At the end of the section wrapping up - 1. functionalities check I have put the extra code to fill the strstartticks and strendticks variables from the database table settings.
Have a look and you will understand.
Do you have any more questions? Start a new thread in the forum and I will be glad to look at them.
Happy coding!


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Longtime User
there was an issue with the checking of the start date and end date
I am also having some trouble with the ticks in sqlite recently and quite mess up. We need to be careful when using B4X DateTime.Now and the SQLite localtime/unixepoch. The problem become worse when I upload my data to a server having UTC+0 while my local timezone is UTC or GMT +8.
I come up with a way by setting a DEFAULT value in SQLite table for created_date field with (strftime('%s') * 1000) as INTEGER value. For the server, I need to add 8 hours to display the time following my local timezone since the VPS doesn't allow me to change the MySQL timezone.


Licensed User
Very kind @PaulMeuris
Thanks for sharing the project link,
I didn't mean to bother you, I've done a lot of searching here in the forum, I can't find the calendar_dialog3 library
Could you kindly pass the link to download it
Thanks you are a friend


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
In the attached zip-file you can find the calendar_dialog3 library files. Unzip and copy the files to the additional libraries folder to use.
The source code is explained in the tutorial and you can also find a class version in the B4XDialog examples (caldialog).


  • calendar_dialog3.zip
    5.7 KB · Views: 274


Licensed User
Thank you Paul for this tutorial it is just what I was looking for! As a new programmer I find it really hard to find easy information on how to use B4x to develop an app. Sure all the information can be found in the documentation and on the forum but putting it all together to actually build a working app is a real challenge. We need more tutorials like yours!!
I am sure a lot of people are put off using B4x just because there is virtually no step by step instructions for making a nice menu bar, using a database and the coding to make an app. Stuff to do this is scattered everywhere!
This will be my 4th attempt at using B4X. Hopefully with your tutorial I will have enough background information to start building apps of my own.
Thanks again :)