Android Question B4a bundle supports gradle features ?


Licensed User
Language change is working before uploading to Google Play Store (xml method values-en, values-fr, .......)
but not after uploading to play store (in aab , not for apk).

in stackoverflow said ,use `enableSplit = false` to resolve this problem
android {

  //... removed for brevity
  bundle {

     language {
       enableSplit = false

Is it possible to use this function in b4a ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
It should be possible,at least if you are creating an App Bundle.

See this thread and in particular the last posts.
Thread 'Vitamio 5 (Version 5.2.3)'

The paramers to write are probably similar to the ones explained in this web page.
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Licensed User
Thanks for your reply.

    "optimizations": {
        "splits_config": {
            "split_dimension": [
                    "value": "LANGUAGE",
                    "negate": false
      "compression": {
    "uncompressedGlob": [
is this format and code is correct or not ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't know. I just gave that example to you since I found it while looking for my issue.
If B4A compiles without errors when generating the Abb Bundle, then that is probably a good sign.

To test if it works, you will need to upload it using the Play Console and use the internal testing feature. In this way, you can verify on your phone if it works as expected before publishing (or updating) your app.

I am sorry but that is all I can say.

Good luck
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