Wish B4A editor/compiler on Android ?


Licensed User
Hi there !

Is there any project to get an Android edition of B4A editor/compiler currently available on Windows ?

With Android tablets or hybrid devices like Samsung Zfold it could make sense and I'd love to code anywhere(software) with my mobile

And btw ... Thanks for this amazing B4X product !


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there any project to get an Android edition of B4A editor/compiler currently available on Windows ?
Away from the BasicIDE link @Sagenut posted which adds Scriptingfunctionality to your Project:
You can not compile a Android App from within Android. The complete Toolchain is based on Windows and not available in Android.


Licensed User
Longtime User
which adds Scriptingfunctionality to your Project
Actually it's a full device based IDE for coding complete apps on the phone though you can use the interpreter library to add scripting to your own apps as well.
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