Hi all.
we have a group on whatsapp of Brazilians who use the B4X sotwares.
Yesterday afternoon, a new member entered, a different programmer, he is blind.
He can not see anything and still program.
I had never particularly seen it.
It uses only the keyboard, and a program to read everything on the screen for it.
In android he uses talkback.
He used another program to make apps, but said he arrived at a point that he could not go on to be blind.
He has already created some PC programs, and works, supports his family with programming.
Really a story of overcoming.
Yesterday it started in B4A, already managed to configure the entire B4A, JAVA SDK alone ....
But he asked me if there was a list of commands and shortcuts available in the forum, a general list that shows all the B4A shortcuts. to use the keyboard only.
He asked me if it's possible for a blind person to program in B4A, and I did not know how to respond.
I was wondering, how could it do the layout part of the app, etc ...
Anyway, I'm here to ask for help from you, and especially from
@Erel .
What can I tell this programmer?
Is it really possible for him to create an app on B4A being blind?
If possible send me materials to try to help you.
List of commands, audios etc ....
Everything can help, the man really needs to support his family, and he has a lot of willpower, any help is welcome.