Hi to all,
I try to use FTP object of Net library (1.80).
if I use a WiFi connection
download works fine and I haven't problems
Here's my (strange?) problem:
When I try to use the App on phone with the Phone internet connection, only Login works. if I try download a file, the
DownloadFile method result is false with exception
"android.system.errnoException: accept failed: EAGAIN (try again)".
I know that is a timeout error, but I set 70000ms in the timeout property. I also set all "SSL property" to false and
passivemode to true
during my attempts, I see in the FTP server console that the user that I use is correctly logged on and it try the download. the FTP server start to send the file (i see the number of bytes sent from server) but the client (my APP on the phone) seems don't receive bytes (server "says" 0.00b downloaded)
please note that the problems appears
only with Phone connection, with Home WiFi, all works fine.
I tryed also the FTP_Autosample example, but it has the same behavior.
Then I tryed a FTP Client APP (
AndFTP downloaded from Google Play store) and it works fine with both type of connections and, of course, with the same User and Password that i used in my previous attempts
Any idea or suggestions?
Thanks to everyone