Active Member
Goodday Prgrammers, Please i am trying to code a like feature, whereby once u like the image it adds to an online txt file , you can only like the image once... i will reset the txtfile to 0 every new week!
i know to read and write to txt files..
Sub imglike_Click
txtlike.Text = txtlike.Text + 1
imglike.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"like.png")
imglike.Enabled = False
end sub
i am kinda new to database app!
Thanks in anticpation..
i know to read and write to txt files..
Sub imglike_Click
txtlike.Text = txtlike.Text + 1
imglike.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"like.png")
imglike.Enabled = False
end sub
i am kinda new to database app!
Thanks in anticpation..