Thank you now we are getting some good answers! I will read the material.
I am pretty green to Android. The only practice I had was in Android Studio which was so much trouble, I decided to go with B4A.
It also doesn't help that I have a deadline for a project.
Anyhow as I suspected, and as has been clarified from the posts here, Android deals with events differently due to the way Android applications are structured.
So a short answer to my question about trying to do an event the same way in .NET, is that it cannot be done that way, due to Android, and must be done a different way.
So with a workaround I think I have an idea for the closet way to do what I was trying to do:
I could make a class or structure called EventHandler containing two properties: object as obj, and methodname as string.
Basically I have a class with events that I want other objects to listen to and handle.
On that class I will put a public list of object in the Class Globals that I will call EventHandlers which will contain a list of EventHandler objects.
On each module that I want to listen or handle the events of my class I can reference the instantiated object and do Object.EventHandler.add(me, <name of sub>)
On the event handler of a java object, or a user control, or anything else within that same class, I want to relay it to every object listed in EventHandler.
I'd do that by cycling through the EventHandler list and execute callsub(eventhandler.object,
This would then call any object's sub listed in the EventHandler list.
Do you foresee any issues with this method?