I've used B4A for quite a few years now and presently have the latest update (10.70). Up until a year or so ago (can't remember the version numbers then), B4A would rarely (if ever!) crash or become unresponsive to clicks of the cursor. But for the last few versions, it becomes unresponsive with some regularity. With each version, I keep thinking the problem will disappear, but it hasn't. So I've decided to post about it.
The only thing I can say conclusively is that it has something to do with the Designer window. At certain times when that window is open, both the Designer and the main B4A window will become totally unresponsive to cursor clicks. The only way I can get out of this problem is to terminate B4A through the Windows Taskbar at the bottom, right-clicking on B4A>Close Window. B4A sometimes responds at that point with "Do you want to save your work?" but choosing YES is impossible because the click isn't detected. AutoSave keeps me from losing work, but the experience is a nuisance.
I've tried to come up with a sure-fire way to duplicate this problem at will but so far haven't had any success. The last time it happened (a short while ago), I had just closed the Designer window. B4A was then unresponsive. I'll continue to monitor this to see if there's more I can add to the story. All other apps remain responsive by the way, so this isn't a problem with my laptop or Win 10. But who knows.