Android Question B4A merchandise (to Erel)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Oh, I just stumbled on this thread. The first post is very old but saw latest post of today, so wished to add my wish too.

How about B4X branded phone !
Well, it can have B4A Launcher, B4A bridge, Designer and all related apps in it for quicker deploy/testing. Also it will have all Android versions emulators in it so that we do not need to have multiple phones to check, and it will be REAL phone and not a desktop slow emulator.

Just my thoughts and requirement now.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
Wow, what a phone... wait... is it a phone??
is a phone with a display that covers both sides (source and back) without interruption
It has a 108mpx camera
12GByte Ram
512GB of Memory

It will be on the market in a few months, and has been distributed in beta form at the modest price of $ 2,500 to some lucky ones who had that amount and have seen fit to spend it on a phone instead of a PC (or a small used car)

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