@AndOrNot please start a new thread.
@MarcoRome have you installed the latest versions of:
- Android Support Repository
- Android Support Library
- Google Play Services
- Google Repository
Hi Erel.
Thank you for your response. This i think that is big problem for users.
It all started a week ago when i bought a new PC and then installed New SDK. ( Look This
Thread ). At the time (B4A 5.80 ) i solved the problem (me and others) by copying a previous version of the SDK.
Now with the new B4A version 6:
1) If you do not update the SDK receive the error
2) After that i updated everything, as requested by the SDK, so also Support Repository, Support Library, Play Services, Google Repository, etc.
After this update the first error that i have is this: "ERROR: resource directory 'xxxxxextras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib\res' does not exist" as in this
THREAD already open time ago.
So as in this last thread i have uninstalled Google 30 and reinstalled Rel. 29. After this i havent had this error.
3) I tried to compile a new library of Don ( b4EasyVideoPlayer
HERE ) . The program was compiled, but when i run the same .... it freezes ( As time ago look
Anyway now i have uninstalled everything SDK and I'm reinstalling everything again.
The question is why if i install the new SDK i have all these problems ?