Android Question [ B4A] [Solved] B4A-Bridge oddity on Android 10


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Android 10 on a Xaiomi Mi Max 3. On several projects after downloading them B4A-Bridge briefly seems to show a message box with the title 'Unknown' before showing the 'Do you want to ininstall ,,," message box. It is shown too briefly to see the actual message. Any idea what this is about? I've looked in the code for B4A- Bridge but can't see anything there and have tried to compile it but I get an error "Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\libraries\appcompat.aar'.". I know nothing about appcompt as I have never used it so I don't know what causes this error..

I don't see the same on my Android 8 Samsung Galaxy A3 where B4A-Bridge throws up a full screen message box with install question.


Licensed User
Longtime User
After many many times straining to see the elusive message I got it. It does not come from B4A-Bridge but is raised by the Android Package Installer. It is a message box with a single Cancel button, the title 'Unknown' and the message 'Staging app ...'. It is immediately replaced by the install message box so I don't see the purpose of it at all.
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