iFunctionConvertPos = strSQL.ToLowerCase.IndexOf("iif(")
strError = "Error in function Iif"
Do While iFunctionConvertPos > -1
iFunctionConvertEndPos = GetPosOfClosingBracket(strSQL, iFunctionConvertPos)
strFunctionToReplace = strSQL.SubString2(iFunctionConvertPos, iFunctionConvertEndPos + 1)
iCommaPos = GetSQLFunctionCommaPos(strFunctionToReplace, 0)
If iCommaPos = -1 Then Exit 'so leave SQL as it is and cause a handled error
strArg1 = strFunctionToReplace.SubString2(4, iCommaPos)
iComma2Pos = strFunctionToReplace.IndexOf2(",", iCommaPos + 1)
If iComma2Pos = -1 Then Exit 'so leave SQL as it is and cause a handled error
strArg2 = strFunctionToReplace.SubString2(iCommaPos + 1, iComma2Pos).Trim
strArg3 = strFunctionToReplace.SubString2(iComma2Pos + 1, strFunctionToReplace.Length - 1).Trim
strSQL = strSQL.Replace(strFunctionToReplace, _
"Case When " & strArg1 & " Then " & strArg2 & " Else " & strArg3 & " End")
iFunctionConvertPos = strSQL.ToLowerCase.IndexOf("iif(")
Sub GetPosOfClosingBracket(strString As String, iStartPos As Int) As Int
Dim i As Int
Dim iOpenCount As Int
For i = iStartPos To strString.Length
If strString.CharAt(i) = "(" Then
iOpenCount = iOpenCount + 1
If strString.CharAt(i) = ")" Then
iOpenCount = iOpenCount - 1
If iOpenCount = 0 Then
Return i
End If
End If
End If
Return -1
End Sub