B4A upgrade to the 2.70


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Text translated with Reverso

with the version 2.52 the following code worked:

Sub Process_Globals
Type Comanda(Esaminato As Int, Tavolo As String, Sala As String, CodicePiatto As String, IdentificativoPiatto As String, Qta As Short, Descrizione As String, Variante1 As Short,Variante2 As Short, Variante3 As Short, Variante4 As Short, NomeVariante1 As String,NomeVariante2 As String, NomeVariante3 As String, NomeVariante4 As String, Peso As String,StatoPiatto As String, Coperti As Short, Inviato As Int, IDP As Int, iPosizione As Short, Palmare As Int)

Type Varianti(Nome As String, CodiceV As String)
Type Portate(Nome As String, CodxPDA As String)

End Sub

Sub AggiornaListaVettore(sNomePiatto As String,sCodPiatto As String)
Dim dValCom As Double

Dim VetComandaListaAppo As Comanda

If sNomePiatto.ToUpperCase="SEGUE" Then
VetComandaListaAppo.Descrizione = "Segue"
VetComandaListaAppo.Qta = spCQta.SelectedItem
VetComandaListaAppo.Descrizione = sNomePiatto
End If



end Sub

with the new version 2.70 the line
VetComandaListaAppo.Descrizione = "Segue" it produces the following error

Error compiling program.
Error description: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Occurred on line: 1116
VetComandaListaAppo.Descrizione = "Segue"
Word: descrizione

this way for all those that follow, because?:BangHead:


Licensed User
Longtime User

Hi Erel, received my project? do you have news around my problem?
To the moment I have restored the version 2.52.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Resolved problem

I have applied your solution, it is everything ok now.
In the future I will do more attention.
Thanks for the support
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