Then I must be missing an outside step of some sort because I checked my program line for line against the sample source which does compile and run so I guess I walk away for a moment then come back to it with new eyes.
What error do you get ?
What differences do you see in the 'diagrams' ?
Could you post your project as a zip file (IDE menu Files/Export As Zip) so I could have a look at it.
What error do you get ?
What differences do you see in the 'diagrams' ?
Could you post your project as a zip file (IDE menu Files/Export As Zip) so I could have a look at it.
This is the error I am getting and I have attached the zip file to this post.
Best regards.
Compiling code. Error
Error parsing program.
Error description: Undeclared variable 'checkresult' is used before it was assigned any value.
Occurred on line: 39
Hi! Line 39 contains "checkresult"... you are missing the sub that corresponds.
Sub CheckResult
If edtResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then
lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW"
btnAction.Text = "N E W"
lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & CRLF & "and click OK"
End If
End Sub
Klaus, I apologize for not answering this part in your original request as I overlooked it and quite frankly, I wasn't sure what you were asking when you say "What's different in the diagrams?"
Nonetheless, you probably have read that my problem has been solved.
It really is not a problem and I am guessing it probably have something to do with the API that I've installed (API15) which is the only one that had Java exe during my install.
There are only very minor differences such as location of options on screen and more options in my designer than what is in the manual.
I won't try to distinguish them unless it becomes a problem.