I´ve updated today B4I and B4A. For B4A I have this error but I cannot figure out where to look out.
I´ve looked into "android\Objects\bin\extra\compiled_resources" for the arsc.flat file, but cannot figure out where it comes from.
I´ve reinstall en Android CL tools and resources with no luck.
Not sure where to keep looking for this.
B4A Version: 10.70
Parsing code. (0.77s)
Java Version: 11
Building folders structure. (0.07s)
Running custom action. (0.03s)
Compiling code. (1.64s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.02s)
Organizing libraries. (0.00s)
(AndroidX SDK)
Compiling resources (1.22s)
Linking resources Error
res\values\themes.xml:3: error: resource 'style/MyAppTheme' has a conflicting value for configuration ().
res\values\theme.xml:3: note: originally defined here.
bin\extra\compiled_resources\cl.abreme.android.zip@values_themes.arsc.flat: error: failed to merge resource table.
error: failed parsing input.
I´ve reinstall en Android CL tools and resources with no luck.
Not sure where to keep looking for this.