Other B4A v7.01 has been released!


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I'm happy to release B4A v7.01. This update includes the new resumable subs feature. This is the most important programing language improvement since the addition of classes in B4A v2.
It makes it much simpler to manage asynchronous tasks.

Quoting @johndb :
This version sure does clean up the code without jumping from sub to sub to sub to ... to handle asynchronous processing in a very clean manner. This and the previous "multi-dex" features in my opinion are game changers for B4X.


- B4A compiled libraries with service modules need to be recompiled.
- Java 8 is required (Tools - Configure Paths).

Developers who are eligible for a free upgrade will receive an email with upgrade instructions.
Other developers will receive an email with a discount offer.

Edit: v7.01 is available for download from the same link. It solves two bugs introduced in v7.00.
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Dear Erel,

Is all "J" in this code all refer to the same instance? or just reuse variable? so many "J" I feel confused.

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thank you
now it's OK
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Hi, thanks for your work.
After updating my project generate this error

java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (Button).

it is related to this code line

Sub AbilitaComandi(en As Boolean)

The button is created in the designer and is declared in Globals

    Dim Punto_avanti As Button
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But the layout containing this button seems to be not loaded at this time.

I have discovered the MapFragment_Ready event is no longer triggered. Is that possible ?

edit: I reply by myself, no, it is not possible, I hav etested the GoogleMap sample and it works.
Need to investigate what's happened

edit2: found the trouble. I had a piece of code in Activity_create with a DoEvents. I don't remember why I put that. As suggested after installing B4A7, I have replaced all DoEvents inside my app with Sleep(0). This caused the layout not loaded correctly. With DoEvents all is ok.
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Thank you for the great update.
First I got an compiler error which I fixed by changing the javac.exe path as it is documented here.
Than the HttpUtils2 seems not to work, which I use for many of my projects. But after changing it with the recommended newer OkHttpUtils2 it works fine.
Now I am glad. I hope, I can just replace it everywhere in my projects to keep it working.
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