Resumable subs in debug mode are optimized in the same way other subs are optimized. You can see the difference in this video:
Starter service is never destroyed until the process is killed - if you carefully read the automatic foreground notifications tutorial then you should be aware to a significant behavioral change in Android 8+. The OS kills services while the app is in the background. In previous versions the OS never killed specific services (only the complete process). This change made it much more difficult to work with the starter service as you could no longer assume that the starter service is running.
Starting from B4A v8.3 the starter service will never be paused until the process is killed. Internally it switches from the service context to the application context.
Important debugger optimization related to code that loads custom views.
Bit.ArrayCopy method. Same as ByteConverter.ArrayCopy.
New File methods: CopyAsync, Copy2Async, ReadBytes, WriteBytes and ListFilesAsync.
Support for Java 8 jars and AARs.
Ctrl + Click on class types and custom types.
Autocomplete improvements.
Autocomplete in CallSub methods:
B4A Sdk Manager v3.27 - Supports Java 10.
Files can be added to groups directly.
For loops optimization (in release mode).
BitmapCreator v3.11 is included as an internal library.
xCustomListView v1.63 is included as an internal library.
XUI v1.70 is included as an internal library. This is a large update to XUI library with support for text measurements and other features.
Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
Developers who are eligible for a free upgrade will receive an email with upgrade instructions.
Well, the timing was perfect for this one. I've spent quite some time struggling to get this working, without much success. Usually I don't throw myself over the betas, but I thought I'd give this a shot and see if it solved my problem. It did, just like that. So thanks.
Starter service is never destroyed until the process is killed - if you carefully read the automatic foreground notifications tutorial then you should be aware to a significant behavioral change in Android 8+. The OS kills services while the app is in the background. In previous versions the OS never killed specific services (only the complete process). This change made it much more difficult to work with the starter service as you could no longer assume that the starter service is running.
Starting from B4A v8.3 the starter service will never be paused until the process is killed. Internally it switches from the service context to the application context.
Just curious... Are we supposed to report on the beta in some structured way to give @Erel input on what to fix for the stable release? Or how does that work? (I haven't found anything, just trying to be prepared.)
I have it clear, is that I'm still working on an app that is private which is developed in B4A v7.80 and will not be published, in my new apps to develop and implement the new requirements of google. Thank you.
Hi, thanks for the update!. Looks very well. Please, Could you share the code of the first gif? (or the library for the animation of the red circle). Thanks a lot again.
One silly question - in the older versions it was possible in the debug mode to change something and just press CTRL-S and continue without re-compile the whole code. Now I have the impression this is no longer the case but I have to compile everything when I do a change - or did I miss something ?
Please fix bug for search module (when i search module,there is no result but when leave relate windows and again return to windows,i can see result)
Please fix bug for search module (when i search module,there is no result but when leave relate windows and again return to windows,i can see result)