I'm happy to release B4A v9.90. This update includes all kinds of improvements and it also adds support for the new B4XPages library which will make developing B4A apps as well as cross platform apps much simpler.
Add new module - Option to add the new module to the parent folder. This is useful in cross platform projects where the modules are shared between the different platforms.
Fix for a design issue that existed since B4A v1.0 where in some cases assignment of an object to a variable can also change other variables that point to the same "wrapper".
Not the correct place to discuss it, however you cannot assume that it is a single drive. You can of course build large sets of folders but it will be less useful than zipping the project folder yourself.
I was facing this problem and always copied the modules instead of using relative. Now that the matter came up, see below, (intentionally made code below to keep message small) https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4a-v9-90-has-been-released.119043/post-746297...
I've been looking at other apps on the market just out of curiosity, and trying to use any one of these allows you to understand that what happens to the erel apps is almost "magical"
Thank you Erel!!!
Why is this posting not listed in 'Android Questions -> Other'? I found it only by search for 'b4a 9.9'
Edit 13:36: Sorry, suddenly it appears in 'other'
Edit 23:36: again disappeared, now on page 2. Would it not be a help, if it stayed on top of all the postings?
I had a win7 32bit with B4A 8.00 with:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_171\bin\javac.exe
I want to upgrade to v9.90
what to do:
1) just run the new B4A.exe
2) uninstall B4A first then run the new B4A.exe
3) something else?
Also, if i don't update java and use the 8u171 allready installed at the first installation of B4A 8.00 and also keep as is the Android SDK Command line tools
i will be ok to use the v.9.90 and publish for google play store ?
B4A includes all the features needed to quickly develop any type of Android app. B4A is used by tens of thousands of developers from all over the world, including companies such as NASA, HP, IBM and others.