B4A Library B4ActivityManager: detect bots using your app

Hi I needed to detect bots to block and found that can be handled by the activity manager using the functions isRunningInUserTestHarness and isUserAMonkey then I developed a wrapper around.

The following functions are implemented:

  • isRunningInUserTestHarness: Returns "true" If the device Is running in Test Harness Mode.
  • getLockTaskModeState: Return the current state of task locking. The three possible outcomes are LOCK_TASK_MODE_NONE, LOCK_TASK_MODE_LOCKED and LOCK_TASK_MODE_PINNED.
  • isInLockTaskMode: Return true if is locked.
  • isBackgroundRestricted: Query whether the user has enabled background restrictions For this app. true if user has enforced background restrictions for this app, false otherwise. Emits a log warning and return False in case of sdk < 28.
  • isLowMemoryKillReportSupported: Whether or not the low memory kill will be reported in. Emits a log warning and return False in case of sdk < 30.
  • isLowRamDevice: Returns true if this is a low-RAM device. Emits a log warning and return False in case of sdk < 19.
  • isUserAMonkey: Returns "true" If the user interface Is currently being messed with by a monkey. Emits a log warning and return False in case of sdk < 8.
  • getLargeMemoryClass: Return the approximate per-Application memory class of the current device when an Application Is running with a large heap. Emits a log warning and return -1 in case of sdk < 11.
  • getLauncherLargeIconDensity: Get the preferred Density of icons For the launcher. Emits a log warning and return -1 in case of sdk < 11.
  • getLauncherLargeIconSize: Get the preferred launcher icon size. Emits a log warning and return -1 in case of sdk < 11.
  • getMemoryClassReturn the approximate per-Application memory class of the current device. Emits a log warning and return in case of sdk < 11.

The project contains an app with 2 buttons, one test for robots and another run all methods.

You can find all the source code on github: https://github.com/alejivo/B4B4ActivityManager

To add more code, please fork it and made a pull request to add the features and share the changes.



  • B4ActivityManager.zip
    4.6 KB · Views: 238
  • Testapp.zip
    38.3 KB · Views: 233
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