Android Question [B4APages] About background tasks and services


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I would like to ask the following:
As I understand, I could have the Starter service for background tasks like push messages functionality with web sockets, send/receive messages via the websocket push framework and background GPS management to send location data to server even if the app is in "background". I also need to "wake" the app from "background" when receiving specific messages.
Things I need to clarify:

1. Do I really need a background service in order to keep the app alive when in background?

2. If yes, should I remove the following line from Starter service, in order to prevent the process being killed from Android?

And do I need StartServiceAt?

3. Could I use notifications like any other app with background service running? If the service is not needed then how notifications are implemented?

4. How do I "wake" the app from "background"? By now I did the following inside the background service running as foreground service:
If msg.type = "ET" then
    If IsPaused(Main) Then
    End If
End If
With B4XPages, what is the equivalent?

Thank you in advance!


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Longtime User
Everything is continuing to run exactly as before. Timers run. Sleep calls will be resumed and so on.
Exactly like in B4J and B4i.
(emphasis mine) Here I got all excited, but B4i's behavior is the same as before: once in the background, timers stop/pause until brought back into the foreground. It may not be an immediate cut off, but timers will eventually stop within a few seconds of the B4i app going into the background.
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