B4AServer - simplifies development of enterprise in-house Android applications


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For some reason the request is not completed. Are you checking it on a real device with a valid internet connection?


I am compiling and loading the Device program to my Nexus 7 tablet, using a USB connection, which does have a valid internet connection.

The only changes I've made to the Device program are providing a unique ServerName to be consistent with the ServerName I replaced in the Config.properties file, and changed the Sub Service_Start to Sub ServiceStart in the B4AServerService module (because of the error I got initially - described in post# 69 and your answer in post# 70).

Now, during the course of writing this post reply I happened to change Sub ServiceStart back to Sub Service_Start, recompiled (no error this time) - and now everything is working as advertised. Did I misunderstand the post# 69/70 discussions?

Also, after starting the server using Run.bat, how does one stop the server?


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Erel, thanks for the help. As always, you provide terrific support to an incredible product!


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@ B4A Enthusiast and others
My PC has Window7 64 bits. The B4aServer trial was direct ok. However after incorporating the same code in another large project, nothing seems to function, until I realised that the Project option 'Do Not Overwrite ManifestFile' was accidentally checked. After unchecking: ok ! Afterwards the option may be checked again, the xml code in the subdir \Objects has probably been taken over. However I will not check it again... Hope this could help others also, to not lose their enthusiasm for this wonderfull and powerfull masterpiece.


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Did some experiments with B4A-server:
- b4a-server (java) is running on
- tested my php-server: working

But when connecting I receive this error in Basic4Android:
Error connecting: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to refused

Any idea what causes this problem?


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On my environment (Vista 64bit) the same happens like above:
the apache server is running,the b4aerver run.bat is running, but when running the app the following lis written to the log:


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b4aserver...... from where can down load it ??
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