I have been successfully uploading my app (*.apk) to the itune store
using version 1.7 of b4i. Works good...to the store but not to the local
device(this is correct based on the certificate). The apk appears on the
local mac under "Application Upload". I then uploaded and the store takes
it as an updated version.
I have the same app with a different certificate that goes to the
local device(iphone).
I switch back an forth between these to add changes to the app then
upload those changes to itunes.
HOWEVER...when I upgraded to 1.8 (unzipped the file on the mac).
The system lets you compile the app but does not put the new apk file on
to the mac. It tries to update the local iphone...
This I think is incorrect behavior ... so I switched back and all works as before.
It must be putting on the mac but where? or is there some swich I have missed?